Going away on vacation this summer? Each year, there are more than 2.15 million burglaries, over 65 percent of which are residential break-ins, with the majority occurring in the peak vacation months of July and August, according to a July 2007 Insurance Information Institute (III) article. Nine out of 10 home break-ins could be prevented if homeowners would take steps to burglarproof their homes.
In addition to setting your alarm, the best way to protect your home is to make it appear that you never left in the first place. Before you head out, take these simple precautions:
Lighting: Put a few key lights around your home on timers so that your house appears occupied while you are away.
Social media: Although everyone loves to share their vacation photos on Facebook, it’s not a great idea to broadcast the fact that your home is empty. Wait until you return home to share your vacation memories with friends, and when you do, be sure to check the settings on your social account to ensure that your status updates are shared ONLY with friends and family.
Mail and newspaper stops: One of the quickest ways to alert a potential thief that your home is unoccupied is to leave mail and newspapers piled up outside. These days, it’s easier than ever to put your mail on hold. Simply visit the U.S. Postal Service’s website and complete the online form to have your mail held until your return. Once you’ve taken care of your mail, be sure to contact your newspaper carrier and arrange for your newspaper deliveries to stop while you’re away.
Valuables: If you plan to leave valuables such as jewelry at home while you travel, make sure they are locked up in a home safe or safe deposit box. If you don’t have access to either of these, be sure – at a minimum – to store these items someplace where they cannot be seen from a window.
Lawn care: This time of year, it’s easy to forget that your lawn will continue to grow while you’re gone and an unmowed lawn is a sure sign that a home’s occupants are gone. Take the time to arrange for lawn care while you are gone by calling a lawn service or asking a neighbor to help out.
Summer vacation should be a relaxing experience. By taking these simple steps and arming your home with a Petitbon Alarm residential alarm system, you’ll be able to enjoy your time off knowing that your home and valuables are protected.