The Petitbon Advantage
There really is more to purchasing an alarm than just getting the final product in record time and at the lowest cost. Below we have listed some of our qualifications that you may want to consider before purchasing your alarm system.
A Creative and Qualified Staff
Our years of dedication to quality alarm design protect you from wasting time and money on poor design, inferior materials, and incompetent workmanship.
Proper Permits
Before your alarm is installed, we obtain the necessary permits. Each county, city, and municipal area typically has their own permit/code requirements. Petitbon Alarm Co. is current with the permitting process of every area we work in – saving you the hassle so that your alarm will meet or exceed all local codes.
Total In-House Company
Affords us total control when it comes to important aspects such as installation and monitoring. It is no wonder why our product guarantees are clearly counted among the best in the industry.
All of our alarm systems are U.L. Certified. We are fully licensed and insured with workman\’s compensation, property damage, and liability insurance for your protection and ours!
Installation and Service
A professional installation along with reliable service afterwards is a key ingredient to maintaining your peace of mind. Every time you call Petitbon Alarm you will get a live voice – not a recording. We have a short response time for service appointments along with 24-hour technical support.
We are members of The National Burglar Fire Alarm Association and have an “A” Rating from Better Business Bureau.
UL Listed
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) assess security companies for their ability to install, maintain, inspect and monitor alarm systems — facilitating transparency and strengthening confidence between property owners, code authorities, insurance companies and government agencies. Petitbon Alarm Company is proud to be UL listed.
NICET Certified
The National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) was established by volunteer technical experts devoting time and effort to build and improve the programs. Knowledge is measured with exams, experience through a work history evaluation and performance by supervisor verification. Petitbon Alarm Company is proud to be NICET certified in Fire Protection Engineering Technology.